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“Did you come?” she asked, and I explained that it was just lubricant, so she rubbed it around the head and resumed pumping, while I reached down to cup a breast in my hand, then rubbed the fuzzy hair on her head.She was really getting into it, peering closely at her work, when I began to moan and tremble, and finally exploded, sending jets of semen into her surprised face, onto her luscious lips and the lenses of her glasses, where it dripped. At first, she shouted, “Eek!” but then she wiped. Sheila had a talented mouth no doubt, but it amazed me how different each person sucked cock. Sheila was mostly a mouth and throat girl, gagging and almost puking on a cock. Nikki was a more of a pro using her hand to jerk the cock from it's base while only covering the head of the cock with her mouth. David was more of a combination doing more toying with my balls than the women had. I was enjoying the sensations of sight sound and feeling. Sheila looked to be enjoying herself as she rubbed. He flipped ahead and found where she had visited the boy at night in his room playing with his undeveloped penis. She started having him sleep with her and she would cuddle with him and play with him. Eventually they began to fuck. Now Nelson knew where his mom got her inspiration from. But it was much more than that. He had yet to find out just how full of lust his mom had become.That night Nelson waited for his mom to come into his room. But she never showed. She had laid down and fell asleep. Instead of moving away, she stays there, and keeps reading. With my hand firmly on her ass cheek I say: “Sorry if I hurt you there,” and I rub it a little, making the “sting” go away. There can be no sting – not with the slap I gave her. But she doesn’t move, and I keep rubbing. I just know I’m going to be in trouble in about 2 minutes and that she’ll see my hard on. What the hell, we’re both adults, if she doesn’t like it, we’ll stop and that will be that. My hand goes down a little and I.
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