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”“Could you fix me, though? Without him?”“I did go through an entire course on animal surgery, so maybe.” The succubus chuckled. “If we come across a dog in distress, I have a few tricks that could help.” She tossed Feldman over her shoulder and Dana made sure the operating table was cleaned up properly, then threw away the scalpel, drill, and needle. The last thing she needed was for a zombie outbreak to occur because they had been sloppy. She picked up her backpack with her good arm and. ”“I know, Artie, and I’m very appreciative of how much you’ve done for me so far, but I really have to take it easy for the next few days.”“Suit yourself, but you know where to find me.”“But I just wanted to ask you something, Artie—and this is more of a personal issue.”“A personal issue? What is it?”“Well, I would prefer it if we met for a cup of coffee or something. So we could talk.”“I hate to tell you this, pal, but I really don’t have time for coffee any time soon, but I tell you what—I’m. I put a pillow below her waist and opened her thighs into a wide welcoming arch. I put the tip of my rod on her entrance and told her that she should be patient and brave, because it will be little pain initially but after that great pleasure. She agreed with me as she was also absolutely wet.I pushed my rod little by little. She gave a cry when I entered a little. She embraced me tightly. I showed no mercy at all and pushed with my full strength, something gave up.She gave a shriek. I saw. I thought about these things and remembered her with a smile as the train picked up speed through the Paris suburbs and I settled into my journey. The steward offered wine and I chose a Chablis and started to settle rather sleepily to my book. I was getting back into it when a soft voice intruded. “Do you mind if I sit here?”. I looked up to see a woman of about 30 with long dark chestnut hair and full red lips looking down at me with soulful eyes that made me melt instantly. She explained that.
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