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The ministry of agriculture had allocated two quite attractive land girls to us. They were both London born and bred, and had never seen a real cow in their lives before they came to work at the farm.Jean was really pleased with them; they had taken to life on the farm like ducks to water. Rose the youngest one had lost her parents recently, in a raid on London, and Betty had come straight from an orphanage, and had no known family. They were both quite pretty girls, and worked well. He invited me on a weekend get-a-way and after debating it, I decided I would take him up on his offer and if it was a success, I would leave you for him."I just sat there, mouth gaping as she told her tale."I needed a good excuse to get away and then I came up with the plan of getting you out of town and having Teresa watch the kids while I was 'called away because of work'. I paid Sandra two thousands dollars to hire you at the last minute and I told her to keep you preoccupied so you weren't. Tracey took Alex’s cock into her mouth. I was masturbating to this only a few minutes ago, she thought. She sucked hard on the bulbous head then took it deeper into her mouth, and tongued it vigourously. She popped it out and pressed it flat against his belly, and licked the underside of his shaft and then his balls, the fingers of her other hand digging into his butt cheek. Alex looked down and pushed Tracey's blonde hair out of her face, watching her mouth open wide to lick his balls. Jesus. The second clue was when she began to fidget and bounce up and down. It was all I could do to ignore her as I prepared to run. Her excitement had Duke and Buster frisky, and they were tearing up the backyard as they played.I finally stood up and picked up my Bo staff.“What are you so happy about?”“I came in fourth at regionals – that qualifies me for sectionals – if I do well there I get to go to state - my coach thinks I didn’t run my best race so she says I’ll be a shoo-in for state – I was.
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