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I'd have to play this rather more carefully. Pick my way slowly so as not to startle him.Even if I did get rejected, I mentally vowed that I wouldn't just abandon him in the middle of nowhere. He was a nice enough lad – seemingly harmless and with a friendly smile – and I'd take him all the way to the motorway roundabout I'd promised him when I'd picked him up. From there, his options were numerous and I wouldn't be just leaving him to face the evening cold on some god-forsaken B-road like his. ’ ‘But, why…’ Katherine shook her head, ‘You aren’t looking to settle down are you, Clint?’ ‘No.’ His decisiveness only solidified the reasons for not dating him. She still couldn’t help but be hurt by it, though. Her voice shook slightly, ‘I am. I want the whole picture, happily-ever-after, and all that comes along with it.’ Wrapping her arms around her waist, ‘I don’t think that Sean or I getting attached to you would be a good idea.’ ‘Listen, it’s not that I don’t want to have children. "Mmm, that's not lying there!" he muttered, "But its nice," he said, "You're nice, who wants fucking nice." and he slammed into her with a sudden urgency."That's even nicer," she said and laughed, "Don't hold back, just do it ok?" Oh," he said in mid thrust, "K." and he started to pleasure himself grinding into her while waiting for her protests which never came."That's nice," she whispered again."Bloody hell," he snapped, "I'm working hard here, oh sod it, I'm cumming!" MMmm, nice," Jayne said. He snorted in derision. "What are you, some sort of Methodist? No daughter of mine is going to marry a teetotaller." His smile took any insult away. "There are lagers and beers in the 'fridge in the corner. Help yourself to something; we have to toast the happy couple."I walked over to the fridge, which I had taken for a filing cabinet, and found a bottle of Guinness. He handed me a glass tankard, and Suzannah a large balloon glass of brandy; he had a double shot of whisky in a tumbler."Cheers.
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