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" He said. I agreed, seeing as it was only an hour away. I went downstairs t grab my bag, which had my suit in it, and I brought it back upstairs."Where should I change into this?" I asked.He shrugged. "The bathroom maybe, you should probably get showered first though." Ah, yeah good point." We should probably get showered together, make sure we aren't late."I fell silent briefly, startled by how nonchalantly he said it. "Uh, I think we'll be fine showering separately." I don't think we will."I. "She blushed, suddenly aware of how personal the thing was they were talking about. But after doing what they'd done, she decided that just talking wasn't so bad at all, and she relaxed."So does that mean you want to do it again?" he asked hopefully.She looked down, a bit shy for some reason. "Uh huh," she said."Good!" he said. "Me too! You want to do it right now?" Now?" she asked weakly. "In the daylight and all?" We can't keep getting up and going to the outhouse that doesn't exist every. I told her that she deserved so much better. She told me that he was the only man she had ever been with and thought that she was the only woman for him. She was both mad and hurt…by both of them. She said she wishes she could get even with them…And then a smile came over her face. She said, “I know you like me a lot and we have fun flirting – and even though you are probably older than my father, I’d consider having a fling with you – if your wife wasn’t around”. Then a smile came to my face.. I turned and she had 2 chairs in her hand. I took them and began setting them up as she set some bags down with some drinks in them. Mom walked toward the water to cool off her burning feet from the sand, and i figured id get to put some more lotion on her and get another feel. She came back up to the chairs and sat down and pulled off her shirt. She had gotten herself a new bikini at the store and it was great, it was small and barely covered her boobs and you could see her nipples poking.
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