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I nod my approval. Her pussy looks even cuter than before. Then the old man leans in and begins licking mom’s cunt. She squeals and grabs his head in shock. But quickly lies back and squeezes her big tits as he expertly eats her out. She doesn’t last long. Her body trembling as she has an orgasm there in the shop. Other patrons watching. After she has a short rest, Roger pulls mom to her feet and hands her a wicker shopping basket. He leads us through the racks. Picking out clothes for her to. When we were settled in my office, I began a detailed briefing that covered the meteoroid storm, the virus, the purposes of the Ark, and the Ark Foundation. During the briefing, I had answered Shelia and Lyle’s questions.Lyle and Shelia had one main problem with what I told them. They felt we had failed to inform the rest of the world of the problem in time for them to adequately prepare for the oncoming threat to humanity. Even though they understood my explanation for why we had held off. He wanted to grab her and throw her on his bed and pound her tight pussy until she cried out for him to stop. He wanted to hear her scream and yell as he drilled her, but maybe this was a chance to end this before it ever started, and that would surely be better for both of them. “Ok, If I agree to let you see me this one time, will you understand that we cannot take this any farther, we just can’t do anything together, ever….ok” “I promise, I’ll never ask you again.”“All right then……here. M. was privately held--and he had signed just such a sell-back agreement when he had been brought on board as just a Junior Vice President--and having been raped by his ex-wife's attorney and the court system following his divorce, Carl had been left with little choice. His financial situation had been in the toilet and he found that his father had left him with an opportunity to more than correct his dismal financial situation by taking over the leadership of the Pearl Foundation. But it had.
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