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" Shit! I really had to move. I had no ideawhere Sandy was and I had to kiss her at midnight."I need to use the ladies' room." I said."I'll help you get there." He escorted me to the door and waitedoutside. I gave him a little smile as I went in. What was Igoing to do? How could I avoid him. I sat on a toilet andrelieved myself then walked back into the crowd in front of themirrors."Nice dress you're nearly wearing!" A sarcastic comment from afat blonde, but it gave me an idea."Do you like Tony. The Erotic Costume Ball has a reputation in your city. Started ten years ago, it's been known to get out of hand. Police turn a blind eye. One whole city block is shut down. Parents keep their children far far away. You suspect your wife might not realize what she's getting into."Are you sure?" You ask. "I mean, I'd be okay with trying it, but you know it has a bit of a reputation." I'm a big girl." Your wife says, "I can handle it." She gives you a determined look and you realize you're not. "I heard a sound. I investigated. I'm going back to the bedroom." He was already half hard, and pushed past his wife. She was equally naked. They had made love earlier, and neither of them wanted to get up to put something on. Both loved to sleep together naked anyway.But Molly had no erection to embarrass her. Moreover, she knew that Ruth, unlike his parents, didn't sleep in the raw.And Nadia was coming from the direction of Ruth's room. She looked over her shoulder to the room Nadia had been. It was the last summer blowout before football practice started Aug. 1.If the gossip line wasn't already ringing with reports of our initial sighting, I was sure it would be after tomorrow.That afternoon, my mom corralled me and sat me down."I want to make something perfectly clear," she told me. "That girl seems very sweet. If you hurt her, I swear to God, I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life. I'm going to be stuck living beside that sanctimonious bitch of a mother of hers for.
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