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Mom handed me a plate to dry then said, "I've decided on what to do with you. Your punishment I mean."I shuddered. "What mom?" I just knew by the look in her eye that I was in for it."I called the priest this afternoon and we talked about what you did. You know that I have always wanted you more involved with the church so I said you would be there on Saturday morning for confession." The priest! Oh God mom, you told?" Yes, now think about what you're going to say in your confession and try and. The hand that had been fondling my hard ass slide over my tired body and found its way before me. I felt the small hand encircle my soft tired cock and give it a firm squeeze.Oh god.I felt myself respond as my dick had a mind of its own and began to grow in that small fist. The woman moaned with pleasure and pressed her sex roughly against me.How could I tell me wife? Should I?How the hell do I get out of here when my head felt three feet wide and felt like a group of midgets were hammering. She said she will do thatMe: let’s try now how it looksShe: agreed and went to bedroom and came back in some time and said I guess I must change the bra as straps won’t go up properlyMe: instantly wait let me fix it …..Grabbed her bra straps adjustable ring through her shoulder and pulled it up…..She was in a shock but didn’t respond She: its paining see its very tight now it….I will have to buy newMe: see mausi it’s done….Check in the mirror I couldn’t believe my eyes her busty boobs came up. Her feet still wet slipped on the tile floor. It seemed to happen in slow motion. She flailed wildly trying to catch her balance, me reaching out to catch her hands to no avail. I watched as the corner of her head hit the coffee table. She hit the floor with a sickening thud and didn't move. I ran to her side but she was unresponsive. The light's were on but there was no longer anybody home. I had always wanted to have sex with someone against there will, but had never found someone who was.
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