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A few more hits before the farmer called 'DROP' and I was gathering the wheat in my arms. It was heavier than I thought as I staggered to the wagon, which was filling up fast.I heard horse hooves approach and a girl got down, unhitched the horse from an empty wagon before hitching it back up to the full wagon which disappeared towards the battered farm.I was soon stripping off, as scything was back-breaking work. I enjoyed being out in the fresh air, and the day was nowhere near as warm as it. I kept moaning in pain as he pounded me and he began slapping my ass hard, three or four times on one side then he would switch to the other. He pulled out again and slapped my ass once on each side then three stinging slaps right on my pussy before stuffing his cock back in my ass. I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed the sensations of pain and pleasure I was feeling. I was coming uncontrollably the whole time. After several minutes he did it again, this time ignoring my ass but slapping my. "I'm cumming,Davey!" He thrust into me and started filling me with his Santa cum."Me too, Davey!" Dad called out as he took control of his cock and beganjerking frantically."Come on, Son," Santa called out. "Show us what you've got." Oh fuck!" Dad screamed, and then he began to blast stream after stream ofcum over his stomach. "Oh fuck," he signed as the loads dwindled to adribble.I leaned forward and pressed my body against Dad's. "Merry Christmas," Isighed."Merry Christmas, Son," my dad said. Then i saw veronica come up behind kelly and cup those big breasts and slowly pull them out taking the time to rub each nipple and give it special attention. A few small kisses later and they switched places, all the while i was rubbing my cock thru my jeans and neither seemed mind. Before i knew it, they knelt before me, kelly reached up and rubbed my throbbing member thru the jeans first. Then veronica disrobed while kelly kissed me and tried to unzip me. Words cannot express how hot, sexual.
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