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The tape yielded to her nails without much trouble, and the first thing she saw was a handwritten note from her grandmother."When I called the other day and you told me about your string of bad luck, I knew you would need this. Keep an open mind and trust your grandmother, Diane. Blessed be," the note read.Though the family didn’t speak of it, everyone knew that her grandmother practiced Wicca, and had picked up the craft from her own mother, who had in turn learned it from her mother. . Paul groaned when he felt Elizabeth’s pussy gripping his cock.Leah and Erin saw it first and Leah exclaimed, “Look at that ... that’s so cool!” As the rest of them looked and glued at the connected genitals of Paul’s and Elizabeth’s. Then they started to giggle and laugh.Gina with feigned seriousness said to Paul, “Do you realize that your dick is inside your girlfriends mother?” Still trying to suppress her smile and tried to look serious as she gazed at Paul’s eyes, “And you know that’s not. She did that thing of hers where she looks down at my breasts as if seeing them for the first time, as a cosmetic surgeon might examine them, casting them to memory. Then she bent her neck and took my right nipple between her lips and sucked it, her hands running over my arse. I laid a hand in her ash blonde hair and caressed her. ‘You might have said.’ She made no reply, no apology, no explanation. She’d said all she was going to, so take it or leave it. She unzipped my trousers. I was naked. Then he was eye level with her perfectly presented landing strip and the wonders lingering just below.He hit her private flight deck with blistering tongue speed. There is frenetic pussy licking and there is frenzied, it probably doesn’t make much difference, the outcome is intense rapid girly pleasure magnified.“Orrgh fuck you...yeah...oh my...shit that’s good...fuckin good ...yeah ...yeah...shit yes” from Mel. She was a foul mouthed slut when the pleasure principle was ramped in her favour..
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