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My lipstick was written all over his dick. I didn't care though, he was single and didn't have a prying, suspicious wife to question him about why his penis was red with a possible different shade than what she had.I take about 4 of 8 inches of his cock in my mouth. It still had that salty tang, from a few minutes when he ejaculated. I slide my tongue up and down his lovely long pole. My breasts are still out of my bra and top. I clean up his mess with my chest and let it dry on there so I'll. Alma and I continued to work on Sandy’s, nipples, ass and pussy as she writhed helplessly in the throes of passion. After one final very we both knew she had had enough.Sandy laid back and I said “honey we aren’t done, I haven’t cum yet”. I knew what Sandy secretly wanted and I was ready to give it to her. I took my now rock hard cock and slammed it into her small body. I began to fuck her with each thrust getting harder and faster. Sandy’s whole body was being pounded with each aggressive. Men’s pants are too much trouble though.”I grinned and said, “I can always stop wearing them.”Sandy said, “Jack, you are crazy.”I had to say it. “Sanity is so-o overrated.”“Keep your pants on.”Dad said, “I will have to show you my new hobby after supper.”“Dad,” I said, “it sounds like you’re trying to change the subject.”Sandy said, “He just doesn’t want to have to watch me kill you right in front of your family.”“Yes, dear.” We finished our meal, enjoying talking together.“Mister Norris,. McGrawwho lived two miles further down the road. There were twohouses along the street between his house, and ours,which was at the very end of the road. “Sara honey, is that you?” Mr. McGraw asked loudlyadjusting his glasses and peering at me.I knew the McGraw’s pretty well because my parents ofteninvited them over to the house for dinner when I wasyounger. My dad and Mr. McGraw also used to go fishingquite often. But Mrs. McGraw had died almost a year ago;he and dad.
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