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I removed my underwear in the car. I then put on my sheer nylon swim trunks that I conveniently cut the lining out of, and walked over to her apartment. Upon reaching the apartment, I could see through her window she wasn't the tidiest person. So I assumed she lived alone.I knocked on the door. She opened it and said "Can I help you?", I said "Is Karen home?", she told me I had the wrong apartment. I then made up some story how I live in the area and planned a beach date with this fake. She heard one laugh jeeringly, “Hey your mommy ain’t got no panties. She just waiting for some good black cock.” Then, looking closer, he added, “A naked pussy! Girl, your mother knows just what black cocks like: naked white pussy. How many black cocks does your mother eat everyday?”One of the men lay on his back, his engorged black member sticking straight up. Several pairs of hands grabbed Laura’s arms and hair forcing her over his cock; forcing her down onto his waiting cock. Laura, unable. This period too. "Hey, Toby!" I yelled to get his attention. A minute later I was walking into Mr. Calloway's room and Toby was going to tell Coach Vickers why I was late."What can I do for you coach?" I asked as he leaned against the front of his desk and I took a seat in the first row."I hear you quit football. Planning on quitting baseball too?" Depends. You planning to retire and let Parker replace you?"Mr. Parker," he said automatically, then added, "No, retirement isn't in my plans this. Following the map, the office is located directly across the hall from the bathroom he just broke into. A large locked door blocked the way into the office. Normally, if the situation called for no noise or the owners never having an inclination of an intruder, he would use stealth and pick to lock. In this situation though, he doesn’t care one way or the other. The Flash Card he carries, he figures would do irreversible damage to the senator’s computer, so he figures it would be useless to go.
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