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The girl was panting and I knew she was close to the edge. I got up and pushed her body onto the stretcher where I was lying.My full naked body got on top of her, my head between her legs, my cunt above her face. I felt her tongue again and lowered myself down onto her nice cunt.I came, a wild climax washed over me and I buried my face into her wet dripping cunt, as she came for me just two seconds after...We dressed in silence, slowly. She told me her name was Sunny.“We must do this again,. " You're going to be paying me to teach you. I won't charge as much to just show you how to do something, and then check that you did it right, as I would if I had to do it. I can show you how to do a project, let you get it done then come back, look it over and leave you with a second one to do."She stood there for a moment. I saw a dozen thoughts pass behind her eyes as she considered it. She let out a soft sigh. "How much will teaching cost me?" Well, all my other students let me sleep with. Then in the blink of an eye The Predator was on Claire, lifting her into the air and tossing her effortlessly to the ground.As with the previous bout, the outcome was never really in doubt. The Predator (whose real name, Olivia gathered from the crowd’s shouts of encouragement, was Sylvia) was considerably stronger than Claire, and mostly just played around with her, letting her get on top a couple of times and then quickly reversing. Playing to the crowd, Sylvia held Claire with one hand and. I then took her both hands she was tightly holding my hands and I started kissing her all over her face.I kissed her chin then went a little lower towards her neck area and started placing kisses there, she was gasping for breath and simultaneously turning her head both ways in anxiety and pleasure, she was also making sexy sounds while I was kissing her while griping my hands more tightly. I then came further down to her neck and started to lick it my lips were all wet and I was getting all.
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