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Jon said that he liked it, but was too long. “Not a problem Master” I said, “I will shorten it, what length would you like it to be?” Jon said that all my dresses were to be no longer than 5 inches below my pussy, unless he specifically said so. Just as I was taking the dress over my head, the shop assistant came over with another couple of dresses, and asked Jon if he liked them. Jon held each one up in turn, and then said that his Slave needed something that displayed her assets, and that was. She liked to fuck several times a day, every day. And that was part of the problem. I was twice her age and she was starting to wear me down. I wasn’t getting enough sleep, my dick was so raw from the constant fucking that it was getting agonizing to just walk around. I needed a break from her. I couldn’t decide if she was a nymphomaniac or just catching up for lost time. Before me she had only a few clumsy and unsatisfying encounters with an ex boyfriend and had played around with an older. It was then that I first noticed the mirror on the wall across from me. I could see myself tied to the cross, spread-eagle and with nothing on but my panties. I thought back to all the pictures of girls tied like this that I had seen on the internet. How I had thought about being one of those helpless girls and now I was. I tugged on the straps but Master John had placed the cuffs in just the right position on the cross that I was stretched tightly and could not move even an inch. . It was then I rose up and taking off my nightgown, sat back down right next to Amber and reaching up with my hand, I placed it on her cheek and turned her head towards me and moving in kissed Amber softly on her lips. For a couple of minutes we kissed as Carole stopped what she was doing and quickly got to her feet and stripped off her clothes. When she got back down on her knees next to Amber she again began to kiss her ever so gently after I had backed off to watch. For the next several.
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