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In fact, for a high school junior, she was really quite adventurous. She hated wearing bras and although her father would have shit had he known it, she almost always ditched her bra as soon as she got away from the house. Charlene and I even got naked together. She loved having me play with her bare tits and there were things I liked Charlene doing for me. Sometimes, if we could get alone long enough, we'd even get into a full sixty-nine, but we never did go any further. Early one Saturday. Rhonda?You couldn't stoop any lower. She's a god damned nymphomaniac lesbian predator, trying to steal every beautiful girl I've ever known."Kim came close again. This time she caught Laura, nuzzling her neck. "Just like you, eh?" she whispered. "And me. She's a great fuck, by the way. If you haven't tried her. If you only go for us colored folks, I mean."Laura smiled malevolently. "You bitch." What are you going to do about it?"Laura knew, and she knew Kim knew, that both were sexually very. In her room, she begins picking out her cloths for tomorrow. Tom comes in as she is laying them over the back of her desk chair. She smiles brightly as he enters.“This look OK for tomorrow?” she asks about the denim skirt and ice blue, button down blouse.“That looks very pretty. You’ll have to take a bat with you to keep the boys away.” He teases her.“Oh dad!” she smirks, but smiles. After a brief pause with a little more thought, she begins anew. “Dad, would you do something for me?” she. Can I suggest something?R – yes, tell me.S- why don’t you come to my home.I was thrilled to hear that suggestion from her.R – are you sure?S- yes. If you start now, you will be here before 12 and we will have full one hour to talk.I said with a naughty tone.R – we’ll just talk?She also replied with a naughty smile –S- what else do you think we gonna do?R – well, let me come there, I will tell you.S – then come fast naa. We don’t have much time.R- ok, I will start now. See you soon.She explained.
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