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As was legally required, Emma returned the high-five and gave a small smile.“Thank you, but maybe we can keep this between us?” she asked.“Fuck, of course. No problem,” Liz said.Mike arrived at noon as scheduled. As a junior associate, he worked with someone else on each shift. This particular one, he was scheduled to work with Alicia, but Emma tampered with the dry-erase board to assign him to herself. Alicia would understand.“Good afternoon, Emma,” he said cordially. If he remembered the. I sat next to her and unable to resist I put my hand on her belly just above her panty and stroked lightly. No response at all...even when I reached for her breast and cupped it gently. I undressed and after turning the room lights off climbed in next to her and covered us with the blanket. I needed to touch myself. I wanted to touch her while I was fingering myself. Snuggling close to her I turned on my left side and placed my right hand on her right leg just above her knee. I rubbed her. " Oh, it's possible, Christie, and I'm proof of it." Okay," Christie sighed, "so it seems to me you've changed for the better then. All the more reason to go to your reunion and show them you've changed." I haven't been back to town since college. I've never been to any of my high school reunions." Again, all the more reason to go." I'll think about it. Can we change the subject now, though?" Tina took a drink to help wash down the food that was getting stuck in her throat."Met anyone. She said, nonchalantly, "I've been in a really good state of mind the last month or two ... can't really say why." Let him read that as innocently as he wants, I imagined her thinking.Both she and I had inherited a strong tendency to "double-entendre" humor and irony from our parents (clearly an argument in favor of nurture over nature, given her status as an adoptee). Not to mention apreference for sarcasm. But we'd always been a bit shy about deploying such double-entendre directly at one.
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