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Not quite sure what ‘boat’ meant, she had politely declined. However, her curiosity got the best of her, as it is prone to do, and she called him to inquire further. Turns out the ‘boat’ was an 80 foot tri-maran, based out of one of the more secluded islands near the US Virgin Islands chain. He kept a professional crew on board constantly, so it was immediately ready whenever he got a whim to fly down. Or, as in this case, he wanted to loan it out. ‘All you have to do is show up, and they’ll. Out the corner of my eye I can see Jan a few metres away, bending over looking in my direction, I thought initially she was going to speak about the leak, but she said nothing, strange I thought to myself. However, what I did notice was her breasts pressing against the thin material of the dress, her nipples erect and straining the sheer fabric, this had the effect of making my cock swell slightly, therefore making it fairly visible, if you were bending down for instance. Was she trying to see. When he finished, we were all in shock.The Colonel told us he had been watching us for about a day and a half. He had come at first to rescue Angela but had quickly realised, this with a nod in my direction, that she was among friends who were protecting her. He had never meant for either of his daughters to become involved. When Vika had been murdered in Gothenburg, he had vowed to take revenge. He traced the man who killed Vika to London. He had found him and killed him, early on Monday. "For the moment, I was absolutely dumbstruck but the spreading warmth in my crotch was taking control of my mouth. “Err, Okay, go for it."Was I really going to be a spectator watching my friend get herself off? She quickly answered that...She stood up and removed her jeans and panties. I had never seen her naked before and seeing her neatly trimmed bush glistening with wetness left me in no doubt. She sat down in the armchair opposite the settee that I was still occupying. She threw a leg over.
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