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She saw our plight and immediately asked us in. In the lounge there was a fireplace piled with logs ready for winter days. Rachel, for that was her name, suggested lighting the fire to dry us out. As we stood dripping she got matches and bent down to light the paper under the logs. Wet and miserable as we were, our spirits, [and more than our spirits!] rose as we watched her dress ride up her gorgeous long thighs almost to the top, showing a brief glimpse of the tight curve of her bum and tiny. "In the stories you read, do they ever take baths or showers together?" he asked as he started to enjoy himself."All the time," she replied. "You wanna take a shower together?" Yeah, I think it'd be a good way to get comfortable with being naked with each other," he told her."I wish we had a Jacuzzi," she muttered as they walked down the hall."That would be ideal," he nodded. "So, have you given any thought at all as to what we'll do after all this?" he asked as he took off his shirt."Do about. It's larger than Little Carlo, but it doesn't scare me, I've taken larger cocks with no trouble. I see that she's also got some scarves in her hand. They scare me a little, but I remember how many times in the past that I've been at her mercy and never suffered for it, so I decide to submit to whatever desire she wishes of me.She helps me up and holds my hand as she takes me to her dining table. It has square corners and she drags me right up to one of them."Assume the position." It's an old. "Isn't he beautiful?" Helen asked Derek rhetorically, giving me asideways glance. "He's standing there waiting for me to tell him what todo just like the submissive sissy I have made him." I am having gender identity issues with Chrissie," Derek replied with alaugh. "I don't know if he is a he, or a her. If he is a he, he iscertainly no credit to the male gender. He is genetically incapable ofbeing a woman but he looks the part and certainly can suck a cock betterthan any slut I have come.
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