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Go ahead and stroke it a little. I'm sure you know how to do that—the only difference is your strokes will be nine inches now instead of the two inches you're used to." She giggled at her little joke as my fingers moved up and down the hard rod. "Good," she urged. "Now, kiss it." My eyes moved to hers, silently pleading. "Kiss it," she said a little more firmly. I leaned forward until my lips made contact with the middle of his shaft, then lightly kissed it. I pulled back, staring at. I had to turn away from her because I started getting a chubby. I was hoping she hadn’t noticed. “Well I should get to my class.” My chubby was gone as soon as it came, thank God. “Who do you have?” I asked turning back around. She showed me her schedule for the semester. We had almost all the same break periods. I showed her mine. “We can eat lunch together” she said, and it sounded like she suppressed a giggle. “Sure, if you want.” She said she did. We walked out of the humanities building. It didn’t ever take much in those days to get me rock hard. A and K were very close as all twins are and would confide in each other about virtually everything. I can remember one afternoon K looking at me in a very direct way, inparticular towards my jeans and the bulge contained therein. Over the months I became aware of K becoming more and more friendly towards me, extra friendly in fact. Perhaps giving me a longer and lasting hug than she would do before or be keen to sit on one side of me. "Nnh . . . Nnh," she whimpered at the vibration on the rabbit ears buzzing on her clitoris. She let my Dad's cock slip out of her mouth, panting. She took a big breath and then shoved her mouth back onto his cock. Pushing herself most of the way down his 8 inch cock.I slowly slid the dildo in and out of her for a minute, then shoved the plastic cock all the way inside her. I adjusted the position of the buzzing ears and turned the vibration all the way up. I could tell the pleasure was sending.
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