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"That was great! You're really good at that." Wow, I thought. My first time, and I was being told I was great by a girl who definitely had a basis of comparison.I just looked at her, as she smiled at me, and then I decided there was something I wanted to try. I pushed her down, so she was lying on the bed. She looked at me questioningly. I just smiled at her, then crawled down between her legs. Now that I had figured out where her clit was, I went right for it with my tongue."OH DAVID!" she. I applied pressure on her clits using my two fingers. She said she was having a niggling feeling. My tongue was playing with her navel and pussy lips in tandem. I moved down and again my tongue began to play with her pussy. I began to lick deep between her pussy walls and occasionally suck her clits.I could feel the heat from her pussy enlarging it. As my tongue played with her inner lips she could not hold herself. She raised her legs and kept them on my shoulders. I lifted her little and my. She told me to pick her up at her apartment at seven o’clock on Friday evening and not to be late.I arrived a few minutes early and was greeted at the door by a very pretty and very sexy young lady. She introduced herself as Linda’s daughter Suzy. Suzy was about to turn thirteen and was highly energetic. She talked fast and she stood still.Linda called out that she had just gotten out of the shower and that she would be a few more minutes. Suzy asked me if I wanted to see her bedroom so I. .." Squire James Nathalion Ritter of Saint Greggor," Timicus whispered."You and your squire," Suzi shortened, "have proven yourself in combat against these terrible beasts which threaten your Queen and her people. Sir Eric, you have also proven many times in the past your expert swordsmanship and your dedication to spreading the Queen's love and will to her people. Therefore, I hereby name you as my next Champion, effective immediately following my marriage to our new King, Sir Joseph Theodore.
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