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”Surprised at the answer, Ed said, “That could cost lives.”Nodding his agreement at the assessment, John said, “I know, but we have to respond in a real fashion. To do otherwise, could cause significant loss of life in the long run.”“John, I know you better than that. That isn’t a sufficient reason for you to delay. You would find another way to solve that particular problem.”Cross at being questioned, John replied, “I have no idea what or where the emergency will be. I can’t act earlier than. Nikki came back in and stood in front of me. She asked me if I was ready to watch her fuck my wife and I nodded. She pulled her 9 inch cock out as she slid her form fitting red skirt up. She said if she was going to fuck my wife, I had to get her hard first. She put the limp cock in front of my face and I froze. I simply COULD NOT do anything else. Since I was transfixed on it, I didn’t even realize that my wife reached down and took my cage off. The reason I noticed, was because I felt a ton. I see something different in his eyes today. Something that wasn’t there yesterday. ‘Maranda, I am asking you, standing here naked as the day I was born, to marry me. I think I started to fall in love with you that first night when you presented me with such a spitfire of a girl that was ready to do anything to help her brother stay out of prison. I knew then that you were the right one for me, but as time went on and I have seen your unwavering loyalty to me and to Joshua, I have come to know. His left hand slid slowly up and down the pump leaving me in no doubt as to what he was indicating. Thomas was being a very bad boy and all bad boys needed to be punished. His resistance level was almost non-existent as I pulled down his trousers rather roughly and almost threw him over my lap. His lovely bare arse was so appealing and he took a hard spanking from me like the young gentleman that he was. To ease his pain somewhat I caressed his balls. The only thing between our stiff cocks were.
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