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One after another they all fucked me, once, twice and then later a third time. After midnight Janice, my roommate found me, dressed me and took me home. Next morning she dragged me down the Doctors for the morning after pill and a supply of the normal pill.For the next two months I avoided all social contact with the other students for fear of seeing those three guys again. Of course I couldn't live like a hermit all the time, but with the help of Janice, I came out of my shell and had a good. ” He glanced over at where his parents were sitting, with a guilty look on his face. “Well, you know ... he’d appreciate it if you said a few words. Mom and Rachel would, too.”I nodded. “I’d be honored. Hell, there’ll be so many people wanting to say nice things about your father, I’ll need to beat them back with my cane!” I drained my glass. “Christ, he’ll probably end up on some tropical island in the South Pacific and outlive us all.”Allen drained his own glass. “I’ll drink to that!”In. ‘As you see’ added Gwen, ‘a lot of the ladies are exhibitionists which I think is natural at 70 as at 17 as all women are nurtured to show off’. Looking down as my cock stretched out my crotch, she added … ‘and some men too!’Then she asked ‘So as you are now with us, it is only fair that we know what you like, what turns you on. I know it’s hard to be honest by really, it will make your time here a lot more enjoyable. By the look at that lovely hard cock straining to get out of your trousers,. "Na prima, siehst du, gar nicht so schlecht f?r den Anfang!", beurteilteBirgit, "bald wirst du lernen, darin richtig zu laufen!" Wie geht's nun weiter? War's das?", fragte Marc hoffnungsvoll, nachdemer den Flur rauf und runter stolziert war. Die Maskerade reichte ihmjetzt."Du scheinst noch nicht begriffen zu haben. Das war heute erst derAnfang. Du wirst jetzt immer Damenkleidung tragen. Und da wir gleichdabei sind: in Zukunft wirst du im Keller schlafen."Marc erstarrte: "Moment, so haben wir.
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