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I begged her to be slow. She apologized and sucked slowly. She was giving me love bites on clit and pushed fingers in my pussy. She was finger fucking me and I was shivering and burning badly with the fire of desire. I wanted to suck her breasts and pussy the same way she did to me. I cum again and she took it whole. We both were moaning and breathing heavily. That moment I was thinking it seems like an illusion that I’m on bed making love with a lady who was all over in my dreams. She kissed. Tansy was pretty much the style guru for our whole friendship group anda very good one. If she was flamboyant she knew that didn't work foreveryone and her advice was always good. But the idea of getting me asa dress-up doll with a big budget and a total re-design had hervibrating with excitement. Pamela was somewhat the same with me as aGeorgian but I shudder to think what would have happened if we'd beendoing it at school and Tansy thwarted. A confrontation between her andPamela would be. .." I sighed, realizing the same was for me. Lauren smiled. "Oh, Matt... c'mon, it isn't that bad."I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess..."She playfully punched my shoulder. "Hey, let's head outside. It's time to leave."I nodded, and the two of us headed for the buses. Time to end this, finally.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheering erupted from the stands as the announcer stated the scores. We'd beaten the second place winner by almost two whole. When they started multiplying that times 144 students (and an unknown, but not small, number of adults) times at least two sessions per week for eight weeks, the total number of rounds -- and the total cost -- was staggering. They agreed that .22 caliber ammunition was out of the question in terms of cost. Air gun ammunition was far less expensive, relative to .22 shells, but still a big number in total.John pointed out that the air guns could be charged with compressed air using the same tanks.
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