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”I answered, “Yes ma’am.”Kelly said, “Yes ma’am.” Then she sniffled.Mom said, “Stop your sniffling. You’ll get used to it, I did.”As I lay in bed I actually got the urge to masturbate again. My hand was on my cock and I was stroking it. Then I stopped, got out of bed, and went back over to my sister’s bed.I said, “Sorry but I’ve got to do it again.”Kelly let me and spread her legs for me. Then she said, “Try not to be so violent this time. I think that I’m supposed to enjoy it too.”I slipped it. Suddenly I felt a long tongue thrust inside me. I took a break from sucking Frank to look down. I should have been shocked, but oddly wasnt, to see a German Sheppard licking me with Jen reaching around him doing something I couldnt see. Instead of stopping it, I moaned at the intense pleasure and went back to sucking Frank. My first orgasm of the night hit in a flash as the dog licked my pussy. The dog was lapping up my cum like it couldnt get enough, his sandpaper tongue licking everywhere on. When we returned, Paula was still flushed and panting. Her fingers lazily circled her clit as she batted her eyelashes at us coyly. We helped her to her feet. John climbed onto the bed and pulled Paula on top of him. I held his cock as she slid her wet cunt down on him. They wriggled and adjusted themselves as I climbed onto the bed and squatted behind Paula's tempting ass. I grabbed her hips, enjoying guiding her up and down as she fucked John's thick cock. I had them slow to a stop, rubbing. At the most a minute ... he's just so small—and doesn't last long...Although they had been married for four years, and wanted children, so far they had not been blessed. Debbie had at first placed the blame on herself, but finally, after three years of marriage, and knowing she was fertile, she had finally convinced her husband to be checked out. It had been discovered that he had a condition that had resulted in his having a low sperm count. It had at first somewhat injured his self-esteem,.
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