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She had to go to dinner at her sisters and would have to take two buses to get there. Would I drive her? I could stay and be her date, and who knows after we got home maybe an after date make out session. I told her, she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to. I was her friend, and would do it for her if she promised me nothing. She told me that she would never do that, but that we got along so well together, that she was evaluating me as a possible boyfriend, even though I was so young.. I removed her panty and was so exited to see her shaven pussy that i wanted to fuck her immediately, but no, I wanted to play all coool. I moved my hand over her shaved pussy. Fingered her pussy and tried to open her love lips. Than i put my tounge in her pussy and was teasing her clit…ohhhhhh…..honey…ohhhh….. u r so goood….my husband never kissed my pussy and how i craved he would one day…i got this shaved just for him only and he doesn’t bother to kiss it…ohhhh u r doing so goooddd… ohhhhh…. The witch lined the shaft head up with the entrance to her sex, rubbing the bulbous tip between her soaking lips several times before moving it into final position. Harry kissed Hermione intensely and sucked on her tongue while he pushed his hardness into her softness. Hermione moaned deeply into her lover’s mouth as he stretched her vagina open. Although there was no hymen to mark her virgin status the tightness of the witch’s pussy while it gripped the invading wizard’s dick was proof enough.. The drummer grabed her by her hair agin and told whisperd to her one more time " your gunna be begging for duck when we're done ger u wirthless cunt" his dick was in her face and he was looking at ger expectantly she grabed his cock and thats when she felt it.her body was splitting in two or thats what it felt like. The guitarist had put the first 3 inches if his rock hard dick in her and it felt like it was twenty times the size. Of the one she just saw him with. She let out a scream that was.
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