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I went behind him and started massaging the back of his neck, his shoulders, arms, traps his head an scalp and behind his ears and he moaned as if it felt so good and said "oh man you're good at what you're doing". I gently moved down to his nipples and they responded in blood engorging them and his mouth opened with pleasure. I went in front and had him move his middle toward me at the edge of the chair and started to tongue tickle his big hairy balls. By the time I got his almost 8.5 inches. We swam a little way and stood up. I decided we could cuddle, like loving sisters, but there was a risk they’d be able to tell if we kissed, or kissed properly, so cuddling was all we were doing. But feeling her naked little body was a good part of what I’d been missing, and I hugged her to me and vice-versa.“You like it?” I asked.“Mmmmm,” she sighed beautifully, “I was cumming my head off. Like, I don’t know, several times each. I had Nuru and Wekesa and Simon!”“I had Femi and Desta and Nuru,”. ” Billy said, as he put his hand on Magan’s right leg. “No it wasn’t like that.” Magan said, looking embarrassed. “Don’t be a pervert.” Sandra said to the boy, then asked “What was it like?” The shy girl tried to explain how nice her night had been, as her friends distracted her with their hands. They slowly forced her legs apart, making her wiggle in her chair as their finger sought out her young pussy. It was a school regulation that underwear was not allowed, exactly so things like this. Were they at least naked? Meghan asks. Nah, good thing too, he says. Last thing Phil needs is a bunch of us with images of his bare ass in our heads! Thats too bad, says Meghan. Because with his butt, youre also missing out on those bubbly 36Ds Wow. The immaturity level of you guys is really up there, I joked. I go back to my room to change into another shirt and I see Rachel, still with her eyes closed lying on the bed but playing with herself. Awww…shes horny. How cute. I lock the door in.
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