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At the pool I found myself looking at her more and more, playing backgammon with her while looking at her well oiled body. Dark shades allowed me to stare and baggy board shorts hid my cock when it started to swell. One day we went down to the pool and it was nearly empty. Mom and I had some wine and played a game, she started sweating and her bottoms melted into her slit, the sides pulled and her white skin beneath peeked out. Tan lines are a killer for me and I had to dive into the. She was 5 ft 7 in and her most noticeable features were her big brown eyes and her curly brown hair. Her measurements were 33-23-33, showcasing that she took good care of her physical attributes. Her breasts were too large, at a modest 33C for her figure and another thing noticeable about her was her long tanned legs whenever she wore a skirt or a dress. Her looks easily attracted attention from most males she passed that tried to seduce her, including her boss. Her will however, remained. Few years laterI’ve just turned 21 now I’ve got a job as an engineer but that is all that has changed I’m still that loner nobody goes near still a virgin never even been kissed yet i even hoped that work life would be different to my school life i don’t get bullied anymore that’s a plus but nobody bothers to pay attention to me and every persons attention i lose just brings me back to that girl Alison i still keep tabs on her she’s same age as me and still queen of shit got a fancy house fancy. Not for Ferelden, not because of the Blight, but for me.’ I opened my mouth to object, point out all the other reasons I wanted them to live…but he had me. I’d admitted it, and though I’d never planned for him to hear it, I had no argument that would convince him. I finally nodded. ‘Yes.’ I whispered the admission so quietly that I doubted he could even hear it. The answer, however, was obvious. ‘Why?’ ‘I…Cailan’s the King, and we need all the Grey Wardens…’ His hands clamped down on my.
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