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"I was wondering if I could buy you lunch."How do you drop this on a guy? Do you lead with, "Yeah, I know we haven't talked in a while, but you have a kid who wants to meet you"?"That would be great," he smiled, then looked past me to the receptionist. "Erin, would you please reschedule my appointment with Mrs. Landingham and tell Jimmy that I won't be on the Henderson call at noon? Come on, Amberle, let me show you around."He led me back through the maze of his office building. He had a nice. I knew that Helen met Anna frequently and that Anna had boyfriends. If she had been at school with my sister, Anna must be between eighteen months or two years younger than me. I had never seriously considered Anna as a possible girlfriend. She was too close to my sister. I thought again about Anna. If Helen had asked me to do something to help Anna, I would have done it. I would have even if Anna had asked me directly. I liked Anna and always had. She had been unhappy the last couple of times. ?Yeah, I get it? she snapped at him. He slapped her across the face and gripped her hair a little tighter. ?Excuse me? Care to rephrase that?? ?Yes, I understand, sir? she corrected.?Good? he simply replied. He let go of her hair again, and saw her fume a little. He found her resistance rather amusing when he knew that she would give in at the end anyway.?I want you to go upstairs, remove your clothes, and be kneeling on the floor when I come up. I will be up shortly,? he told her. She didn’t. “Jake, I can’t describe what was in that video. I hope you never see it. Do I have to describe every nasty detail?”At this point I have heard enough to know my love, my life is completely blameless in this sordid tale. I stood up, took the three steps needed to pull my marriage, my life, together. I grabbed Karen by the shoulders and enveloped her in my arms. I kissed her like I had never kissed any one before, even her. “My darling, my beautiful wife, I will not forgive you” She jerked back.
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