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We all went back to the game room for more drinks, and to play some games. Mandy and Laura were trash talkin Jen pretty good about the Viking’s loss when she challenged them to another game of foosball. Nick said, “Let’s make this interesting, you loose a piece of clothing for every point the other team scores.” The girls all agreed and the game was on. Tosha and Jen scored three quick goals and quickly had Mandy and Laura down to their bra and thongs. Mandy was wearing. After the botched marriageproposal, we basically decided to "start over" or relationship and get toknow each other again, this time with him getting to know me as a REALwoman, instead of the tranny creation he had developed and nurtured.So for a few days, we had fun, and we went to watch movies, eat at casualrestaurants, and generally enjoy each-other's company. I had to admit Ienjoyed spending time with him; he was definitely more fun than I hadever had on a date with any woman. I would be. I only brought up his cheating on me when I wanted something or to make him feel guilty or used it as an excuse not to have sex with him.“Are we going to Deanna’s party on Folly later?” I heard Travis ask me as I rummaged through my top drawer for a tee shirt.Our friend Deanna was having a graduation party at her parents' beach house on Folly Island, and all our friends would be there.“I can’t. You know I have to help Mother clean up after the party, and it will be late,” I answered as I went. I took my cock out of my trousers and started to wank, because I was so fucking horny – the sight of seeing my boyfriend fuck someone else, let alone a woman was get my horny. You could see he was quite clumsy, but she soon took him under her wing as she straggled his cock, she gasped as she lowered herself on his thick cock, I could see it stretching her hairy lips to the max and she teased his cock, allowing it to pop out every now and then, then force herself upon it once more. As she.
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