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Make my mind up. Today wash day and although I was not looking forward to it I got up had some breakfast and loaded the washing machine with a load of my knickers. The problems began when I got going it stalled and decided not to play. I had no alternative but to ring for an engineer. After about a hour there was a knock at the door. That was quick, so quick I was still in my very short dressing gown. I went to the door and two chaps were there. One an older man called Bob he was about 60 but. There was what appeared to be a tall solitary gum tree on the left of the clump. I passed it and splashed into the fish pond-sized pool on the other side of the mound. It was calf-deep, making it passable with only a little difficulty. At the far edge of the pool was a small gap, gaited knee-high by a tangle of tree roots where the water had eroded the dirt as it emptied into the lake-sized flat of water which I had a limited view of because of the small break in vegetation. As I stumbled out. If that doesn't work, she'll tear up a little. Next stage will be for her and your other wives to have a headache tonight, or maybe they'll use reverse logic and try to fuck you to death before asking again. I suspect you won't last past your Queen's clouding up to rain." Jeff went back to working the machine. "Make it easy on yourself and just volunteer," Jeff said, his teeth bared as he fought through his last reps.Dave stepped out of the way as Jeff slid off the machine, grabbed a small. "Mom got to her feet and I heard her going into the bathroom. I heard the faucet running. My Mom didn't come back. After a few minutes I walked out into the kitchen. My Mom was putting away some groceries. She turned to see me standing there naked.I thought she would be mad, but she wasn't. She said that my father was never around. She was so horny these days. She let me force my cock down her throat. She smiled and said I had a giant load of cum. All I could think of was that I wanted more. I.
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