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The nurse looked down. "Mmm...maybe there *is* a way to take your mind off it..." She got up, headed to the other side of the bed, and pulled the privacy curtain all around the area, cutting off the rest of the ward from what was occurring. Turning back to me, she unfastened the top buttons of her tight blouse, showing even more of her bodacious ta-tas. Mr. Wiggly also showed himself again, now standing at full (seven inch) attention as if the national anthem was being played. Pulling up. Slowly, I moved my left hand and put it on the top of her leg, just above the knee. She stiffened but made no movement to remove my hand so I started to slowly slide it up her thigh, pushing back her dress. I didn’t look at my mother’s face, just in case Dad thought something was suspicious. I knew no one could see my hand moving under the table, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. I was still moving up when I felt her hand on mine; it wasn’t stopping me, it just guided my hand where she. 'Did they decide to visit the city in the middle of the holidays? Don't they realise that some people may be away, like two of the women I employ to satisfy their urges?" As his vehicle joined in the flow of traffic he continued his private conversation. 'I shouldn't have shown my interest in organizating entertainment. I really never thought that it would become a standard part of my employment. True! I can't really complain for it has pushed me up the ladder of the corporation and the perks. “Too slow, we'll start agin”. I feel the crop harder this time hit the same cheek as the first one. “Thanks you Mistress” I reply quickly. Five more each one promptly followed by my words. By the 6th I can feel the sting all over mmy are cheeks and am breathing more heavily. How can I find this so exciting but I am as my cock is still rock hard. She walks up to my head and sasys wew ill make a good slave out of you yet.At this point her husband returns but now instead of his normal clothes he.
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