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This here is my wife, Cecilia, and my sister, Naomi. The three of us are lovers, in fact. I know that might be shocking, but it’s true.“In fact, most of us adults are lovers to each other, though there are some exceptions. Hank and Carrie are an exclusive couple, as are Doc and Moon. Great to meet you all. We’re heading for Watkins Glen next, if you care to join us. We’ll drive through the night in these sleeper busses, taking turns with the driving and minimizing rest stops until we reach our. ” As we drove, I dressed in the outfit Chris had provided: fishnet thigh-highs, garters, a black sleeveless dress, and black pumps. I felt slutty…and sexy. He took me to an apartment complex and buzzed us in. When the door opened, I smelled cigarette smoke, but ignored it as the man behind the door introduced himself as Brian and invited us in. Chris motioned to a chair, and I took a seat. Brian lounged on the couch and Chris fiddled with his phone.“Tammy,” he said, without looking up, “Stand. " You're fantastic." So are you. Let's go."At the table, in a dimly lit corner, she slid her hand under the huge tablecloth and quickly unzipped his fly. He stifled a gasp as she fondled his penis and began masturbating him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and slowly worked his cock."I work for a company called Hedon & Venery. The owner -- we just call him sir -- is a young lawyer, very bright, very rich." She didn't reveal his identity. Jayant ran a tight ship and the penalty for. “Rachel, come on over and suck my cock. I want to eat Morgan’s pussy” I commanded. Morgan piped up. “I’d really like the chance to suck your cock, Uncle Andy. Rachel showed me how and we’ve been practicing on carrots and dildos” she said. “OK, well then you come and suck my cock. Rachel straddle my face, I’ll start by eating you” I looked at Morgan “Unless you want to try 69. I’m sure Rachel’s told you about that too” I said with a hint of mock anger. “That was kind of our plan” said Rachel.
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