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Over cognac, I became totally lost as a heated conversation about computers and software — debate? — developed among ML, Jean, Tina, Sandy and Susan. Most of the time I didn’t have the foggiest idea what they were even talking about. Yet both Mother and Kris listened with great interest — and apparent understanding — while Dad, Liz and I were just utterly lost. At that point the three of us began our own conversation regarding NFL prospects for the coming season.Mom and Kris? Somehow they. Then the lobby door opened and I was expecting shock on everyone’s faces seeing me like this.I have to say that it wasn’t until I was in the lobby that it finally dawned on me that just about everyone around me couldn’t care less that I was naked and besides the obvious stares, no one said anything while we were walking to the front door of the building. Out on the public sidewalk we did get some more stares but we just kept on walking to the diner that was a block away from the office.Once we. George followed suit and did the same. Soon we were both pounding hard. I stopped. George kept going with his eyes clued to the screen, I bent over and slid his dick in my mouth and started sucking.At first he kinda stopped but there was too much going on. On the screen mom was licking Billie?s pussy and I was fucking mom in the ass. George relaxed and let it happen. I was sucking my first cock and it tasted good. Then I felt his cock get harder, the tip of his dick got hotter and he started. The idea of noteven being able to get hard was intriguing. My focus was on howexcruciatingly good it would feel after I was released and penetratedher. Or maybe even felt her warm mouth on my stick.Dina said she would order the device. In the meantime, she declared, shewanted to practice tantalizing me. So for the three days that it took toget the product delivered -- express! -- she entertained herself byacting extra sexy, dressing to thrill me, and talking dirty. I was hornyand nervous.
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