Fingering Orgasm mp4

Her neck and upper chest were flushed bright red and she was groaning and squirming,pushing down on to his face as she continued to suck me.She gave a loud moan and shook a little as she orgamed.Watching her cum made my cock even more rigid.He stopped licking and tasting her and moved his body between her still parted thighs.She still had hold of my cock.I watched as he held the large round head of his cock against her pale shaven pussy lips and urged it forwards. They parted and stetched. ’ I dug my fingernails into his back and tried to make us move faster. But in the position that we were and holding on to my knee the way he did, he was completely in control of the pace at which we could move. I was growing frustrated and a little crazy. I tried to reach down to play with my clit but Max swatted my hand away. I glared at him in anger. ‘You don’t come till I say you can.’ ‘Please Max, this is frustrating.’ ‘Consider it payback.’ ‘Payback? … for?’ I raised my eyebrows,. Her striped silk panties were saturated with her pussy juice. Shelly couldn’t believe how hot Megan was, she always knew she was good looking but didn’t know she was this sexy. Megan fell back on the bed and flipped her fingers inside the elastic of her panties. She rolled them down her legs, exposing her pussy to her best friend. Shelly felt a tickle in her pussy when she saw her friend in such an exposed position, “Play with your self. Finger your pussy. Show me what you do every night when. Take my cock slut.” The man said over and over again. “Ram that big cock in me stud. Fuck me hard.” I heard myself moaning. I needed this. I needed to be fucked hard by this hot muscular, dominant stud. He slapped my ass hard. “Yeah slut take my cock. Remember me bitch. I'm Larry. Remember this is Larry ramming that fucking cunt of yours. Remember because I'm going to be fucking you again and again when ever I want and where ever I want. Remember that bitch.” Larry yelled into my ear.
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