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Julia had lived nearly her whole fifteen years when I met her in that world.It was a year later and I felt her knowledge of the rawness of humans to be valuable. Julia had a long scar, from her left eye to the corner of her mouth - she had been beaten with a spatula for some minor indiscretion, and the sharp edge had sliced her face - but she was a very beautiful young woman. It was her eyes that I saw first, they contained a sad wisdom that caused me to stop and talk with her.I can still. ” Beth spoke up and assured them that the seller needed to sell as he had been transferred out of town to the Phoenix area and was looking to buy a house there so he was in a dealing mood. They were standing in the big open kitchen and Sheryl was leaning against the big island between the kitchen and dining area and the sun was shining in and lit her up. Beth noticed that the sun made Sheryl’s ample breasts visible through the fabric of her blouse and of course, with no bra to. I had the feeling they might have been up all night and on drugs... maybe looking for a house to rob.Minutes later I start to run up a secluded lane that has bushes and trees lining the street on both sides. I am barely aware of a vehicle coming up on me. Before I have any time to react, the side door slides open and I am plucked from the street like a hawk swoops down on a field mouse! I am vaguely aware that there are a multitude of strong hands securing my arms and legs and that all too. After dinner with her parents and watching 'Easy A,' we pretended to go to sleep. But really, our friend Rachel was waiting in her car around the corner to take us to a big party on the other side of town. It wasn't hard to sneak out of Amanda's first floor room and we jammed to One Direction the whole way there. The party was a blast! All of the popular kids from our school were there and we looked like rock-stars drinking vodka and grape juice out of red solo cups, dancing on tables. I even.
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