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The Witch brought out the contract, a large scroll with curious sigils and seals, and read it to Huber. It was as they had agreed. Suswa cut a finger and signed the document in blood, then Huber cut his finger and made his mark at the indicated place. He smelled a musky magic, and the scent clung to his fingertips. Suswa then directed the man to go to the village and fetch Shuko to the castle as his first service. So Huber went down and found his beloved. When she was alone with him, he. She had a look of power on her face and she started to shit in dads mouth and he started to eat it." She was getting hotter and hotter as I sucked. Then I felt her tighten her belly and she shot a little squirt of piss into my mouth. I felt the hot salty fluid hit my tongue and shoot into my mouth. It tasted wonderful and I swallowed it down and sucked harder."You like that gig? You want more of it? Here gig have a little more." she said and shot some more into my mouth. I went crazy as I. "Don't be such a downer. It's gonna be a blast. And don't act like replacing Dad with Skye is necessarily a downgrade. I saw you two at the wedding."That got a chuckle out of me. For the record, George wasn't implying that he was glad Dad wasn't going to be there; I'm sure he was as disappointed as I was. But George had always been the most positive person I'd ever met. He is the kind of guy that can find a silver lining in the worst of situations, and his enthusiasm is infectious. He could. Then she looked at Jimmy critically and became serious. “Actually, I’ve been thinking that there’s a better job for you. When I married your Daddy, my Daddy, your grandfather, walked me down the aisle and gave me away. That’s a job for the man in my life who’s most important to me. I’d like it if you would give me away.”Behind him, the boy heard a pleased gasp from his grandmothers, but he concentrated on his mother. She seemed very serious and earnest. “Uh, okay, I can do that, I guess.” He.
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