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The bedroom balcony looked down from several stories onto a wide road along which there were many restaurants, a night club and a small supermarket. ‘It looks like we can buy all the fucking groceries we want,’ commented Sharon, ‘And I fancy the look of those hats. They look fucking top.’ However, it was sex, not groceries, for which the two friends had come so far on holiday. And sex was clearly readily on demand. As the literature left by the side of the wide screen TV made clear, if they. . Quite yummy!”“You’re right ... Hadley has rather sweet blood, no doubt of that! I don’t have to guess as to why. I already know. It’s why you sent a certain brave former lieutenant in the Confederate Army back to his hometown, am I right? The whole ... Fae thing, I believe,” I agreed as I drank more from Hadley’s rich, deep veins.“He’s not going to drink me dry, I hope!” Hadley gasped as I thrust in and out of her moist and luscious snatch.I grabbed Hadley’s buttocks and thrust deeper on. Just then our parents came into the house, so our conversation tone quickly changed. We spent the rest of the afternoon all together, catching up on all the latest news. Aunt Ruthie, who was the family news reporter, told Mom about how the rest of the family was doing, who was getting married, getting divorced, having a baby, etc. One thing about Aunt Ruthie - once you got her started on gossip, it was hard to shut her up!Mom asked Paige about her studies, finding out that she was going to be. Now it seems I am the accursed one as Zoe steps aside and allows me to cross the threshold.“Come in, Suzy.”Now I must abandon all hope and surrender my soul because I am no longer in a state of grace. I feel as if I have sinned a great sin. Now my only hope is retribution and absolution. Here on this chair in all its tarnished metal and perished rubber and worn leather.Is this a dream? It feels like a dream. The confusion and fear are certainly there, the dryness of the throat, the inability to.
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