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Lisa was the hottest chick at school and liked to show it off. Today, her skirt was shorter than ever and, if my eyes don't deceive me, the bounce of her pert titties showed she's wasn't wearing a bra."Fuck me," said Billy, my very best friend. "Wouldn't you like to get your hands on her?" Fat chance," I sighed. "I got my face slapped last time I tried to grab a handful."My mind went back to last winter when I had escorted her to the New Year's ball. She was all sweetness and light until my. It wasn’t even a conscious choice it was just something that happened on an intuitive level, after months of rebelling and fighting him, it slipped out of my mouth. I heard him walking on the landing and I felt the urge to yell for him, yet I kept suckling on my pacifier and staring up at the dangling mobile, until he eventually walked in the room. He was a balding man, who neither resembled a typical daddy nor a traditional scientist. He was about 50 years old, and he had quite the slim. Supper was served in two seating's the early at 6:00 and then a later one at 8:00 PM. As they were dressed for the happy hour and were assigned the early sitting they decided to take a walk around the ship and explore. Daniel was wearing his skinny white jeans and a blue and white narrow striped top and a white captain's hat which made his look so much more homosexual. He was feeling more and more effeminate as the days passed as his mannerisms were more girly and he so loved to see older men. Oh my, yes it was.Monday saw us both back on the job and getting a bus load of congratulations from the other workers at The Drover. We were happy, rich no, but happy. I wondered if the two assholes could have said as much.Oh, and no, none of the assholes had shown up for the wedding. I was thankful for that little bit of serendipity.“Well, I guess they’ve written us off,” said Henrietta. She’d come into the break room where I was tilting back a cup of java. She took the seat opposite me.“Guess.
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