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” Stacy Z said with a smirk.Stacy R thought about this for a moment.“Can I see it?” She asked, blushing.I slowly pulled myself out of Stacy B and sat up. I looked down at my cock and saw a bit of blood from taking Stacy B’s virginity. I looked up at them, turned towards them and pulled off my condom.“Wow.” Stacy R said as her eyes fixated on my cock.“He’s ripped.” Stacy Z said looking me up and down.I should stop here to explain. Back in the 9th grade, I wasn’t exactly super muscles and Mr.. If I am ever permitted to go home, I bet I would be the toast of the town for showing them this remarkable brew. Assuming they would be willing to try something brown in color from the monkey world. There loss if not I suppose.It was in that moment, when I could feel it. Feel death’s wings in the air. In fairness I could always feel that, but something was unique about this one. Old age, sickness, or injury, they are expected, and more or less accepted. But this one, this grim was seeking. I can't fucking concentrate. Hope she leaves the light on so I get to see her pussy. Only eight o'clock. She doesn't go to bed till around ten.Finally, it's close to ten. He looks through the space in the cedar hedge until he sees her light go on, cautiously approaches the window, steps on the rock and as quietly as possible peers into her room through the small slit in the curtains.How long is she going to read for? Fuck, I need to see her naked. I've never wanted anything so badly in my life.. I’m not ten years old anymore. Those little bumps on my chest turned into a pretty impressive set of boobs. The rest of me came out pretty well, too. I’m a natural blonde with a slender figure and my cup size is on the high end of B. I figure by the end of next year I’ll be wearing a C cup. And I’m not self-conscious about them anymore. I’m pretty damned proud of the way I look and I no longer dress to hide my body.I know Tyler holds me in high regard. I guess it’s possible he might actually.
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