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Thank you." He took the fork gently from her fist where she'd made a motion to stab him. Sophia was still feeling on edge, and she looked down at her hand with a frown as Bren cracked the package open and sighed in obvious resignation. She had only meant to threaten him playfully with the fork, but her body was taut with strain and it showed in the way she'd reflexively clutched at the fork.It wasn't just that she was finally going to get the information she'd needed for six years. That was a. Her eye lids were heavy, and she had beatific smile on her face. I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself – my first time with a woman and I’d made her cum! She took my hands and pulled me back up her body, kissing me fully on my lips and savouring the taste of her own juices. By now, my cock was twitching uncontrollably and was leaking so much pre-cum that my knickers were practically dripping.“Now, what are we going to do about you?” she asked, looking down at my tool and grasping it in her. He'd always loved the lookof that one perfect spot on a girl wearing a swimsuit. That spotthat said, 'I am a girl.' He had that, now, too.He continued the suit's descent and eventually something popped freeand hung limp, flaccid and ugly on his hairless abdomen. He'd neverconsidered being a boy - or a man - much before. It was what he was.There was no changing that, so why think about it. Sure, he knewthat other guys were bigger and stronger and hairier; so what. Hewas a guy, too. Just. ” That was it I gave one final hard push and the pressure was suddenly gone and I slid in to the hilt. She gave a little scream as her cherry was popped and I began fucking my cock in and out of her. I knew I couldn't come inside her, the last thing I wanted was to make her pregnant, that would ruin the rest of my sex life. I could feel the cumm building up in my balls and just as it exploded up my shaft I pulled out of her and shot my load all over her stomach, some even spurting up as.
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