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”“I am sure she will enjoy it since some things have been shown and explained to her since her return. Things are a lot different than they were 20 years ago when we both were young adults.”“That’s right! You are about the same age as she is.”“I am a couple of years older than she is. I might have been your father but while she spent some time in Cayuse, I was in the military, based overseas. I found a lady, after I returned, married her, fathered 4 great children with her, but suddenly lost. .....I said enthusiatically as I answered the phone......."Heyyyyyyyyyy" he said........"what's up dude!" "uhhhhh n n nada... what's up with you? "I get off at 4".... he said......"You want me to swing by?" (You have no idea I thought) "Y yeah I said..... that would be cool...." " My gear is in Newport though, so as far as jamming....it ain't happenin today......" he said. " "No problem man, I wasn't much in the mood for music today anyway......." "Awesome...... I'll see you at around. I wondered what else they could play. I loved my body not from vanity, for my beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and not me. It was the sensual feelings from my skin, my nipples, and my own sexuality. Even hidden inside the dress my body was on display. Since puberty I found my nipples extraordinarily sensitive. In this dress just the movement of the fabric across their tips made me shiver. I pushed up the panel covering the window, and looked out at the grey taxi way, my own reflection a. . arent. . . arent they really pricey? I told you, my job at the club pays well. I was pretty sure those things were like $4000 if they were nice. She made that kind of money? Shit, I would quit my practice and all the insurance headaches if I could get it serving cocktails. But no one is paying to see my body. Weeeeeeell.. . . I added pause for the effect, but there was no way I was passing up to see this young sexpot again. Even if she didnt work out, a few weeks of outfits for visuals would.
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