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I bowed into her lap and kissed her clean hairless mound and smelled her cunt…a musty devil-scent…the absolute aphrodisiac that sent shockwaves through my cock and caused pre-cum to leak from its head. The smell of horny pussy, all sopping and slick and ready for prick….a filthy hot humid bitch in heat. I licked the center of her Y, right on her peeking clit. I heard her muffled squeal and pulled my mouth away….and as I did this I took her by the calves, dropping her left leg off the edge of. She fought to break loose from my hold, but I held her still. No. This was not over. She was mine. I would fuck her until I ran empty.Unbuckling the belt, I tightened it around her throat and she panicked, reaching out to grasp at her leash. I pushed her hands aside before flipping her over and pulling her up to all fours. Now she tried to scream and fight, but I pulled my reins hard and pulled open the bedside drawer. Inside I found an athletic training band used for yoga and stretching. I. Then I asked her to get on four so that I could enter her pussy in doggy style, my dick was all wet with her juices, as we got into doggy style, I was admiring her shapely hips and ass cheeks, touched and kissed both her ass cheeks and kissed and licked all over her upper and lower back, and rubbed my dick at the entrance and rammed it deep into her, and started fucking her like a sex hungry wild bull, squeezing and spanking her ass cheeks and in between rubbing her clit and also squeezing her. I think what she needs is a young stud to fuck her when her husband is at work. What she needs is a guy like me who can give her a workout every day. I’ll be home for three more weeks and I plan to get my cock into her mouth and her pussy. All of a sudden, it hit me what I could do. Something so easy it was almost laughable. I’d just ask her for some “sugar.” I’d say I was baking cookies and ran out. It was a classic line to get me into her house. From there, I’d just compliment the shit out of.
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