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I also felt her slide her hand underthe small of my back and in response to the slight pressure I arched myback as she slid her hand under my butt and smoothed my skirt and slip,pulling them down, so I was decently covered again.She also reached over and pulled the lever that put my seat in the uprightposition and then did the same with hers. Looking at my face she said, "Sweetie, you're gonna hafta straighten upyour makeup." I pulled down the visor mirror and I could see she wasright, my. She blushed and said she just turned 18. I told I can't today and asked about extended checkout and what time is her shift tomorrow. She said I can extend checkout to 1 pm and she does not start until 3pm tomorrow. I told her if she really wants to hook up with me to be in the room no later than 11 am. I also asked her if she is a virgin. She said she lost her virginity about a week ago when she turned 18, and the guy who she had sex with is 20 and it was at a party. She enjoyed it but it was. Cock twitched hard but only moved by centimeters as her small size and tension prevented it from lurching as his cum filled the condom. He would have liked to cum directly inside of her, especially knowing how she felt about black men, but for now he’d settle for using a condom. He’d try to convince her to go raw later.As his cock lost firmness it was expelled from her tightness with a forceful shove. The crown of the head remained seated inside but most of what had been inside was now outside. She'd spent puberty and half of adolescence fucking herself with her own finger, feeling her tits, rubbing herself in various ways. But with Lee doing it, it was a whole new ball game. She whimpered and tried to pull her emotions into some kind of order. She couldn't just let her young cousin maul her there on the beach in plain open daylight, both of them naked. She realized too that she had avoided looking at his nakedness. As if she'd been afraid of seeing that cock hanging from between his.
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