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But appearances can be deceptive. Just like you. There must be something different under that suit for a Senior Accountant to come here. I'd like to find out how different?" Why not? Miss Alice, would you honour me with a dance?" I thought you'd never ask. That's why I came across to you."Alice waved a hand vaguely."I've danced with most of those here at least once in the last year. They're OK, but they're too emotional, like most entertainers."Alice snuggled against my chest. My arm went. That heartbeat was perfect desperation. All I wanted was him inside me. That pause couldn’t have been more than a split second, but the desire was so intense and so strong I was exploding. My rock hard nipples ached to be touched. I ached to be touched everywhere. My curls were brushing my shoulders, waiting for him to gather them together and pull my hair back. I wanted to run my tongue over every inch of him. The moment was desperate.Without any more hesitation, he forced his cock into my. It was rude of me to stop you.” My fingers slid along her pussy lips. “You’re soaking wet. You want it bad…Can I help you finish?” I pressed the heal of my hand against the top of her clit and tentatively hooked the tip of my middle finger inside her. “mmmhMMMM” she responded, increasing in volume as I slipped more of my finger in. I plunged my middle finger all the way in and hooked it toward myself, rubbing along her softness. I ran it in and out a few times, enjoying the emotions playing. You find yourself daydreaming about a red head across the way, who sees you and winks as some old professor drones on about the new school dorm policies. It's probably not important, and besides, it's all in your student handbook.Finally all of the students are excused except for those on athletic or managerial scholarships. Your jaw drops as you see the amazonian figure of Director Friedrich for the first time. She announces in a slight German accent "hello all and welcome to State College..
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