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STAGE-2 The Operations Center tweaked the Chair’s programming. A milder, more pleasant, form of cramps gripped his body from head to toe. All his age related aches, pains and diseases were being eradicated. His compliant mind accepted his new, youthful body. He leaned back into the Chair’s soft supports and sighed as a wonderful warm flush spread across his younger body. The Chair’s chemicals included a memory ‘corrector’ that erased all memories of how he looked now, in the present, and. "Computer, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard. End holodeck program immediately."Still nothing changed. Picard tried to stand up but waves of dizziness caused him to sit down again. The realization was settling in that the holodeck was not responsible for his predicament.As he slowly regained his stability, he noticed that he was completely naked. This panicked him, not so much from modesty, but because his comm badge and tricorder were now gone along with his pants and shirt. He tried to calm. She showed the promise of straight black hair, dark eyes, clean pale skin, and a tight body. In my family, she stood out as a cool breeze among desert winds.Karen's behavior was not consistent enough to do anything but ignore her. One moment she would be smoldering and fleeing the next. Unlike Iris, Karen did not want me to pursue when she ran.Her father's first visit shined light on the matter; one eye lusted and the other remorsed. Both her eyes reflected confusion and pain. Something. ’“You’ve had enough time to answer me. Would it help if I told you how I feel about you?” she said getting herself up on my desk.“If you want to, Caroline. I don’t know for sure how to tell you how I feel ... why don’t you help me by ... Caroline. I really love it when you call me ‘Wichie.’”“OK, my turn ... Rich, I’ve felt something for you for a terribly long time. I didn’t know what it was until recently. I didn’t think you noticed me, since I don’t have the big tits all you jocks.
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