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"Andrea took my arm and led me closer saying, "You have to see this. Look here and here, rings for ropes and bindings, on each post, the headboard and foot-board. Someone was into pain as well as pleasure. See the ones higher up? I had James suspend me from those once to see how it felt. Hurt like hell, but when he went down on me, gave me the most incredible rush."I was examining the intricate woodcarving when Lin entered the room, followed by a tall, very muscular man with long blond. They were so damn soft and even her skin was so soft and moisturized.I fingered her starting with one finger, going deep and fast. She was standing on her knees while I was fingering her. Next I wet two fingers and slide inside of her. She moaned and spread her legs even farther apart for me to finger fuck her cunt. Her juices were all on my right hand. I asked her to lie down on bed with legs spread as my hand was getting tired in this position. I removed her shirt completely and finger fucked. She jumped up, grabbed the first item of clothing she could find—Mitch’s button-up shirt, buttoned three of the buttons, and raced to the door.Mitch was hidden from view, but he could hear the voices of several giggly high school girls. “We were just wondering what time we were going to leave?” one asked.“Probably about eight-thirty,” Gayla responded, “that should give us plenty of time to get over there by nine o’clock, I think.”“Are you sure you’re going to be ready by eight-thirty?” one. My own pleasure was taking up all my energy while she was accomplishing her delight and satisfaction. I thought I’d add to it. I owed her for the bathroom incident and I wanted to make it up to her so I put my hand on her clitoris while she was going up and down over me. Difficult as it may sound, I was circling it in rhythm with my coming and going in her cave of pleasure. Her moans became faster and faster as was her breathing. Mine was just the same as I could feel shivers all through my.
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