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Afterwards, they'd wound up on the sand of the little bay, sitting and hugging, and eventually they got cold enough to get their clothes on, more for warmth, than anything else, both of them wondering what was going on in the back seat of the Chevette, and neither of them wanting to bring the subject up.The way that Danny and Marsha had burst out of the Chevette, with clothing in disarray and a cry of, "All right, let's go swimming," hadn't told them a thing, and neither had the way the two had. .. je... je... }- { Ce que je ne vous ai pas dit, m'interrompit Monica, tout en prenantl'argent sur la table, c'est que Claudia est une transsexuelle. Et ellen'est pas encore op?r?e. Alors avec elle, vous avez le meilleur desdeux mondes. Une femme sensuelle, avec une queue qui bande encore. Etsi vous passez par dessus votre... r?ticence, vous appr?cierezdoublement ses charmes. Des mains on ne peut plus f?minines, une boucheexperte, des caresses sans restrictions. Vous ne trouverez pas. A sissyfaggot," he said matter-of-factly."A what!?" I asked in surprise, my head spinning."A sissy faggot Reese," he repeated, pausing for a moment. "And I wantyou to be too," he stated, his hand gently rubbing my forearm. Before Icould protest he continued. "Look son, the man you saw me with wasMarcus, a friend of mine. I have many friends like him now. You'll meetsome of them I'm sure," His hand moved to my chest. "I saw your reactionto what we were doing upstairs, it aroused you. I know it. "He let go of her arm, taking a deep breath."I'm Ted." Kari."He raised an eyebrow. Kari let out a snort."I know, right?" It's a good name." He tried to smile, show he meant it. "I mean, it's better than Ted. It's like they named me after a Teddy Bear." You don't look furry." Her eyes seemed to be taking him in. Ted had the crazy desire to suck his gut in a bit, as if that mattered. He wasn't a fit hunk, and never pretended to be. He wasn't fat though. Thank God for that."It's covered by the.
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