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She looked at me, caught and decoded my grin, and cackled. Then she put my hand in Matt's and took his free one, and Herne took my free hand. We all chained male-female, then listened patiently while she taught us the dance.Something about the dance was making me very aware of being in a female body. I could feel Matt feeling it too, not arousal but awareness. It was powerful, the way that it pushed genders at each other. This was a dynamic we weren't used to; we were used to flowing through. "Okay, you've convinced me. A week. No more than that. Make sure you deliver on this Drew, you've got a week starting now."Drew cursed. Just sorting out the arrangements for liaison with the Spanish and practical issues such as flights and accommodation would eat up a good bit of the week he had just been granted. He didn't waste any more time thinking about problems but instead thanked the Chief and hurried out to make his first calls.Mark and Felicity were sitting on the sofa in the cabin's. .Frederick rolls me over, never letting himself slip out. Places my legs over his shoulders, tells me he is honored and says I should stay the whole weekend to be sure. In what seemed like less than a minute later the grunting starts, I'm living my fantasy of being a breeding pair and I fell the base of his cock spasm as he fills me with seed as I'm going into a hiper orgasm. Spent, balls deep and draining out every last drop. After a while Frederick stands dragging me with him to the edge. He stood up and plunged his cock inside of me. His thick cock was rock hard. I began to cum almost immediately, my juices pouring onto him. He shoved deep inside of me before exploding, our bodies pressed together in mutual orgasm... The next thing I remember is waking up. I was alone in my room. Confused, I wondered where Joao was. All of a sudden, I felt a burning in my feet. It was a tingling sensation, followed by a stretching feeling, like my toes were being pulled forward. The feeling.
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