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“I’ve missed you, my darling.”Fuck – I was her darling. This was beyond my wildest dreams. I thought she had fobbed me off, hoping I would forget about it.“Come on,” she said urgently, leading me to the spare room.As she closed the door she turned and began to undress for me. Her sweater, her skirt. This wonderful woman stood appetizingly before me in just her underwear. She took off her bra and her lovely breasts called out to be kissed.“Stay there,” she said, reading my mind. She removed her. I climed out of the pool leaving my shorts at the bottom I turned as Kara was climbing up the ladder to get out and i thrust my cock into her face and surprisingly she took it into her mouth with no protest. I grabbed the back of her head and started fucking her face while i asked her if she liked the taste of her ass she just nodded a yes as she sucked my now rehardening cock into her throat. I pulled out of her mouth and went to sit in one of the reclining chairs around the pool and told her. When I got home no one was there and there was a note on the kitchen table saying, "Meet me at the Motel 6 up the street and go to room 269. Don't bother packing anything because I have already packed for you, so all you need to bring is yourself and the supplies. Love ya and get here quickly for we have a very full night planned!"I raced out the door and arrived at the Motel 6 in just mere seconds. I ran up the flight of stairs and found the room. I knocked excitedly, and she answered wearing. ”“Good,” Jess said, face brightening and her tension fading. “I am glad to hear that. So ... did you like it?”Emma answered with a shrug. “Not a fan. Maybe it’s different for guys ‘cuz I know Aaron gets off on it. Me, not so much. Wasn’t bad, though. Oh, and I have more news. Gosh, I don’t know how I forgot to tell you this the last time; I guess I was too preoccupied with Mike. Anyway, I’m moving out,” Emma finished.“What?!” Jess exclaimed. “You’ve only just moved in!”“I know ... but Brent.
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