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My own tiny erection wasthrobbing in time to his frantic thrusts, as his knotfully extended into my hand. I encircled his knot with one hand, as the other keptmilking him until I felt his rhythm begin to falter asjet after jet of hot doggie cum washed onto my leg, myhand, and the floor. Boof kept at it for a few moremoments, and then slowly began to withdraw from mygrip. I let him back onto his 4 legs, my hands drippingwith cum, my legs shaking, my heart pounding. I stood, quickly dropped my. “Did you reach out to my son, first?”“Actually, that was a teensy bit of fate. I was taking classes to boost my web based research skills. My car wouldn’t start, and I checked everything I knew. I was about to call a tow truck, when I remembered cheaper options from the gig economy. I’d just heard a lecture about the battle between corporatized and independent services. Centralizing the availability of gig workers are more efficient-”“Spare me.” I held up a hand. “Andrew?”“I signed up for. " I'd like to get to know you." Milena," she said finally. " My name is Milena. You're so cute and a great fuck."They both laughed."I have two more days before I go back to America, can I see you again?" he wondered."Yes, come to my husband's villa tomorrow. He will be out," Milena told him. She leaned forward. "We can fuck like rabbits."Jake smiled widely with delight before he kissed her passionately holding her body pressed up against him. He felt aroused again."Let's have sex again now,". “And I hope he’s willing to wait a little longer. I’m a little sore this morning. You were a little over-exuberant with the dildo.”“I am so sorry!” Tiffany exclaimed, aghast that she’d hurt her friend.“It’ll be OK,” Hailey replied. “At least I was completely aroused. I understood that you couldn’t really feel what was happening. It felt good at the time. I don’t want you to think I regret it. I don’t.”“Will you if you lose Phil?” Tiffany asked.“No,” Hailey answered instantly. “He very helpfully.
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